Tuesday, December 13, 2005

random thoughts

Well . . . like it or not, winter is here. This morning, it is (more or less), "making nice". Earlier, when I left for McDonald's (New York Times tucked under one arm), the horizon was a glorious RED! Delighted with this HOT display on a cold morning, I stood by the car until it faded.

The Times had a remarkable article re Richard Pryor - affirming that doing his thing HIS WAY was the basis for his unique achievement! Let that be a lesson to us all.

Among MY "things"(comparatively trivial) is using public transportation whenever possible. Driving has never been
something I enjoy. Particularly to downtown; parking is expensive. Yesterday was different. Fresh snow! Sidewalks a MESS, streets the same - AND I was toting a PORTRAIT, 3' x 4' (!) (carefully wrapped in a sheet, fastened with safety pins and scotch tape). The above notwithstanding, I managed to make it to Tri-State Reprographics to have copies made - not as large as the original: 2' x 3', two for the subject's grandparents, one for me - to be digitally photographed, and added to my website. Tristate will keep the "negative", making it possible to have any number of prints, any size, anytime.

That done, I treated myself to a BIG slice of pizza, wandered about more or less aimlessly, happy to be "out" as opposed to sitting at
my easel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your perspectives on Pittsburgh - yes I remember the smoke from the mills and the grey dullness - but you give color and life to a deary memory - I love your paintings ! I'm glad the smoke from the mills is gone but so are the jobs -

6:32 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We enjoyed time spent with you and Annette tonight. You're a superb artist and she's a fantastic cook, and to see your art in person again was spectacular, as are you two.

10:32 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved your painting of Etna. My old house is in it. I grew up in Etna and have many fond memories of that little borough. Any chance that prints will be available?

7:08 AM EDT  

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